Support Slopes with 3 Steps


Things We Can Do – and Not Do – to Protect LA from the Second Punch

December 10, 2019. By Oscar Ortega: We hope you are fueled by the knowledge that we can expect resilience in the wild spaces and gardens impacted by November fires. While natural disasters can feel overwhelming, there are things we can do to protect one another from the second blow in California’s predictable one-two punch.

Whether impacted by fire or simply living near slopes, we recommend taking three actions now to ensure a safer rainy season.
Evaluate and Support Slopes

Dam with sandbags and/or add post and boards as needed on the slope. The intent is not to stop the erosion, but to slow it down. The speed of water and mud movement is what can be very dangerous. Simply slowing its flow can save a home or a life.

For those in areas impacted by fire, please note that re-seeding does not necessarily support slopes and should only be done with expert advice from landscape professionals with firewise landscaping know-how. Timing and species is key to getting this right. If we get it wrong, it can amplify flood danger and create more quick-to-ignite fuel for the following fire season.
Check Waterways and Irrigation

Fire can leave waterways from gutters to bioswales cluttered with debris. It is imperative these areas be cleared and monitored to allow the free flow of water post-fire, even if rain is not in the forecast.
Fire can also damage irrigation systems. Turn off irrigation. Check for leaks. While subsurface irrigation will not send up a geyser like an above-ground irrigation system, there are simple ways to detect subsurface leaks as well.

Direct Water

Creating topographical incentives for water to go in a direction that protects lives and property can be smart action – before rain falls. This can be particularly useful if your property has expansive hardscape, including landscapes of gravel and cacti. While dry rivers and bountiful bioswales can take time to construct, even petite divots can be of use in directing water flow.

While there are disasters that can overwhelm the best efforts, a great deal of trouble can be avoided by taking smart, proactive action. We hope this helps keep you safe and dry this holiday season!

Protect Property Pre-Rain

Protect Property Pre-Rain with These 3 Steps

Updated November 11, 2020. By Oscar Ortega: Even as we hope for rain to combat fire and quench thirsty landscapes, rain isn’t all good news. It brings the possibility of mudslide, debris flow and flood. Here an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.

To prepare your property for rain:

  1. Proactively Prevent Slides: Place preventative sandbags to secure slopes. This step may also be wise if you have significant grade changes in topography, either on your property or nearby properties, that direct water toward structures. Sandbags are available at LA County Fire Stations (Locate).
  2. Clear Waterways: Bioswales, gutters, infiltration pits, really anywhere water moves or infiltrates, should be cleared of debris before rain starts.
  3. Inhibit Irrigation: Beyond wasting water, adding irrigation to stormwater can destabilize slopes on your property and elsewhere. Weather-based irrigation controllers are a great way to avoid both this danger and any hassle associated with it. It may seem funny, but this kind of smart irrigation is among the landscape features shown to bring homeowners the greatest joy.

If you have time to think beyond safety, consider:

  1. Saving Rain: Rain barrels can provide valuable supplemental water in dry months, and often there are grants available for their installation.
  2. Plant!: California native plants like moving to new homes in the late fall and winter. One of the easiest ways to help these delightful plants establish is to plant them when the extra water they need is falling from the sky!.

Property protection is all about being proactive. Not only are LA rains often deluges, our preponderance of hardscapes can make water flows dangerous.
Our tips assume time to prepare. If you are currently experiencing flooding, please follow the L.A. Fire Department’s general storm safety guidelines: Avoid all waterways, man made and nature – never enter moving water on foot or in a vehicle. This is particularly important in areas where the land has been denuded by work or fire. If you or someone you see has been swept into moving water, do not enter the water yourself. Immediately call 9-1-1 and, if possible, throw a rope or some type of flotation device to them. For additional safety tips, visit, and follow @LACoFD and @LACoFDPIO on Twitter.
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