IdealMow Lawns

FormLA® IdealMow™ Lawns are native grasses and beyond-grass alternatives to traditional, thirsty lawns and synthetic turf. IdealMow™ Lawns look consistently lush and lovely without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, and need much less water and maintenance to thrive.

With an IdealMow™ Lawn, you can:

  • Choose to mow short or leave long and meadow-like
  • Save time and money on maintenance
  • Consume up to 70 percent less water
  • Enjoy a consistently lush and green lawn
  • Provide safer, healthier, chemical-free play space

FormLA® IdealMow™ native grass lawns in a variety of colors and textures and prices the lawn alternatives by the square foot.

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Save Time, Money and Water

Positioning properties to use less water can produce other, more significant savings of both money and time. In fact, Consumer Reports included “thinking beyond grass” among its top 10 landscaping money-savers in 2009.

Replacing lawns with alternatives can:

  • Save $1000 to $2000/year in labor, or approximately 76 hours of your time, per 1000 square feet of landscape
  • Reduce dump fees by up to $1500/year per 1000 square foot.
  • Eliminate fuel and mower maintenance costs.
  • Prevent hundreds of dollars in water consumption fees and raised rates.
  • Reduce the energy needs of nearby buildings, particularly when compared to xerscape or synthetic lawn alternatives that create heat islands.

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Provide a Lush, Green Lawn with Less Water

Your neighbors will never guess you are saving time, money and water! IdealMow™ Lawns are consistently lush and green. IdealMow™ Lawns:

  • Look vibrant and healthy, even in dry summers, as they need less water
  • Attract fewer pests, which take advantage of weaknesses in the soil produced by traditional lawns
  • Promote fewer weeds, which thrive due to the fertilizer and additional water needed by traditional lawns
  • Choose to mow short or keep it long and meadow-like without compromising impeccable density and color

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Provide Safer and Healthier Play Space

IdealMow™ Lawns provide cleaner, healthier, safer play space than traditional lawns and synthetic alternatives. IdealMow™ Lawns help families:

  • Protect people and pets from direct contact with harmful chemicals, including known toxins and carcinogens, in synthetic fertilizers and pesticides
  • Limit exposure to bacteria, as well as allergens like latex, in synthetic lawns
  • Extend playtime, as playspace with IdealMow™ Lawns stays 20-50 percent cooler than playspace with synthetic turf or asphalt
  • Mow less to contribute less noise pollution and consume fewer carcinogens and allergens produced by petrolium-powered mowers
  • Protect those surfing and swimming in the ocean from agal blooms that feed on fertilizers in wastewater

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