Low Hanging Fruit for Green Building


USGBC Green Home Guide.  April 5, 2012.  By Cassy Aoyagi:  Sustainable landscaping saves time and quickly produces both cost savings and health benefits for existing buildings as well as new construction. Of all the tricks of the trade, replacing a thirsty, traditional lawn – or not planting one in the first place – has the most profound total cost benefits.


First, the benefits. Simply swapping a traditional lawn for a native grass can eliminate the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which can adversely effect the health of children and pets.

  • It will use 50-70 percent less water, depending upon the materials used, and it saves approximately 68 hours a year in maintenance.
  • Native landscapes also improve indoor air quality!
  • If, in addition to replacing the lawn, evergreen and deciduous trees are strategically placed, they can help your buildings consume less energy.

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