Go Au Naturale

Create spaces that feel wild and free while placing the world at your feet

You enjoy feeling part of the unfolding of nature. Birds and butterflies delight you, as do finding cozy places to relax and entertain. A natural garden style will complement your cottage or traditional home. More importantly, it will feed your heart.

2013 Pasadena Showcase House of Design

Well designed natural spaces feel like wandering a particularly beautiful trail. While not as rigorously structured as a classic or modern landscape, a natural garden’s appeal will be enhanced by creating walkways that go with the natural flow of traffic and cozy lounging areas. Likewise, foliage must not be fussy, but it should also have a rhythm and flow of heights, textures and colors.

2013 Pasadena Showcase House of Design

It is possible to work in more modern or bold rustic furnishings without losing the overall natural feel of a landscape. For example, the brick edging, traditional arbor, light neutral siding of the home and mix of brick and decomposed granite establish a natural tone to the landscape.

Foliage from our New (Natural) Look for LA plant palette brings a variety of colors and textures to makeĀ a walk to the seating area carry all the joy of a stroll along the Backbone Trail… maybe slightly more colorful!

Within this context, the cozy modern seating feels like a secret find.

A Soulful Retreat

Here California native roses and irises create a natural look that borders on more traditional or classic aesthetics. As with the other landscapes featured here, the meandering decomposed granite pathway is responsible for much of the garden’s natural tone.