The New Look for Sierra Madre

Coming Soon!  Sierra Madre City Hall Gardens to Reflect the Region’s Rich History

The new gardens at Sierra Madre City Hall will soon take on the New Look for L.A., beautifying the property with foliage that thrives year round.  While the aesthetic is new, it will be a reflection of the city’s vibrant history as an agricultural powerhouse and home to two of the North America’s largest native nations.  Stop by to see:

IdealMow Lawn Alternatives:  A wealth of native grasses that use a fraction of the water used by traditional lawns will surround City Hall.  See Red fescue, a velvety emerald green grass; yarrow, a feathery, fernlike lawn that blooms when left to grow; and a distinctive blend of grasses created by the garden’s designer Cassy Aoyagi with the help of the Theodore Payne Foundation.

Edible Garden: Native plants that served as food and medicinal sources for Sierra Madre’s indigenous people will surround an area city hall employees often use for breaks.

Wildlife Garden: A large area with sun and partial shade will be planted with natives known to attract beneficial birds, insects, and reptiles.

Full Sun Foliage: Heat tolerant blooms that thrive in full sun once dominated the foothills of California. The thick leathery leaves of the chaparral and coastal sage plant communities reduce evaporation, helping them stay vibrant in the dog days of summer (and fall).

Shade Garden: Native understory plants that thrive in the dry shade of oak woodlands will enjoy the northeast corner of the site where mature trees and the city hall building overhang cast broad shadows.

Bioswale with Rain Garden: By sculpting the  lowest elevation area and planting riparian natives to absorb runoff water, we will protect the health of nearby bodies of water, prevent slides, and alleviate seasonal pressure on stormwater management systems.

Paths of Decomposed Granite:  Natural paths designed to mirror and guide pedestrian traffic will flow through the gardens.   Like the beautiful bioswale, permeable paths improve water quality and protect against dangerous runoff.  They also provide lovely, affordable, low maintenance alternatives to rigid cement walkways.