Do Less, Enjoy Success!

Sometimes the smartest thing to do is to Don’t

July 2024. By Oscar Ortega: It’s hot out there, and it is bound to get hotter. Doing less may help both you and your garden enjoy this time of year a bit more. Here are a few ways in which a little lazy can seed your garden’s success:




Mulch More, Weed Less

Do you enjoy attempting to extract weeds from hardened soil? If so, don’t mulch! Spreading a three inch layer of mulch in unplanted spaces will do the work of suppressing weed growth for you all summer. It also makes it easier to pull the weeds that manage to fight their way through.





Water and Itch Less

We see many Angelenos water way more than their plant life needs – or wants. This is certainly true in native plant gardens. It also explains so many problems people experience with turf grass lawns, from aphids and other pests to yellow grass. Maybe the least pleasant outcome of too much water is the prevalence of “pollinators” that breed in it! If you are hoping to have more time in the garden and fewer bites, dial back here, and see if the mosquito bites dial back too.




We mow this IdealMow lawn once a year, in early spring.


Mow Less, Wander More

Is your garden time spent walking behind a mower? There are funner ways to enjoy summer! Simply mowing less can leave many lawns – and their keepers – in better shape. Turf grass often needs less mowing than it gets. Easier still: IdealMow lawns of California native grasses need only a few mows a year, and they love lazy summers at meadow-length, floating on the breeze. They won’t have a care if you don’t!




Yoshi Aoyagi cuts back Deer Grass for its summer siesta.


Let Sleeping Plants Lie

Some California native plants have learned to rest in the heat of summer. In fact, some will take a deep summer siesta. Rather than replacing them, consider the actions of watching and waiting. They may just delight you when they wake up.




Elaine and Toby Kaufman leave their abundance of sages for the birds.


Seed Your Success

Many California native plants will bloom through summer if we deadhead, and this form of garden labor definitely beats dutifully following a mower! Still, doing even less can be worthwhile. Letting blooms go to seed attracts birds and wildlife. A disciplined lazy can fill a garden – and a life – with song.

What do you think? Can you handle a little time off to enjoy the season? For those who prefer action, check out our summer to do list.

Jumpstart Your Wildfire Prep

Updated July 2024. By Cassy Aoyagi: Looking to get the gist of preparing a property for wildfire? Watching just three clips from Good Morning America is one of the easiest ways to jumpstart your understanding. Once you see just how much agency we have, get a customized checklist via online surveys from Cal Fire or the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) Wildfire Prepared Home Survey.

Why Fire Ignites Homes – or Doesn’t

See IBHS cast embers at two homes to discover how embers build enough strength to ignite a home – and what can keep them from doing so.


Protect Your Home with Plant Choices

While no plant is fire proof, and a handful can raise LA’s wildfire risk, and some plants resist ignition. See University of Irvine experiments and get my quick tips for fire defensive landscaping in the following clips.



Take Action

Each layer of wildfire preparation you create will protect you – and your neighbors. Get started here:

Get a Custom Checklist: Cal Fire Fire Planner or IBHS Wildfire Prepared Home Survey

Understand Your Choices:, FormLA Fire+Slide Resources

Watch Wildfire Prepared Home Tours: Fire Defense Playlist