Green Your Garden with Ferns
Los Angeles Times. May 21, 2016. By Janet Kinosian: Don’t exclude ferns from your dream garden just because there’s a drought on.
Water-wise yet luxuriant ferns might sound contradictory. After all, don’t ferns and their flowy green fronds spread on wet forest floors and need constant spritzing when grown inside?
Read Before You Refi: 5 Tips for a Higher Home Appraisal
Trulia Money Matters. April 21, 2016. By Laura Agadoni: If you’re hoping to refinance the mortgage on your home, there’s one big roadblock between you and that lower rate: the home appraisal… To start your appraisal prep, make sure your home is clean (inside and out). Appraisers are human, after all, and can be swayed by how pristine (read: well-cared-for) a home looks.
6 Landscaping Mistakes that Destroy Your Yard March 29, 2016. By Jamie Wiehe: As warmer temps approach—quite slowly, depending on your part of the country—you might already be sweating your lawn. And with good reason: Good landscaping can add up to 28% to the overall value of a home.