Santa Monica’s Last Unadulterated ‘Shotgun’ House

Los Angeles Times. January 24, 2016. By Nita Lelyveld: It’s just a little slip of a house, three tiny rooms in a row.

But when its narrow front door opened on Saturday, people lined up for a chance to get in.

What is believed to be Santa Monica’s last unadulterated “shotgun” house — one straight, hallway-less shot from front door to back — had been through so much to reach what amounted to this moment of rebirth.

When El Ninos Hit Hollywood

The Hollywood Reporter. January 15, 2016. By Sharon Swart: Ghosts of the epic storms that have slammed L.A. haunt the town as bold-faced names recount what it’s like finding your pool washed away, getting to work on ‘Seinfeld’ with the sheriff’s help and discovering a trampoline (someone else’s) sliding into your backyard.

Community Comes Together

Sierra Madre Weekly. November 18, 2015: Thank you Community Planting Day volunteers! Over 75 volunteers from around the community gathered at City Hall last to help add new life to the landscapes surrounding the City’s public buildings. Planting day volunteers included a rich mix of young children, adults, and seniors all eager to lend their talents to the project. Working together, they installed nearly 300 plants in just two and half hours.

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