Brown Is In – So Are Other Colors

LA Daily News. October 29, 2015. By Suzanne Sproul: The Golden State isn’t so golden these days. In fact, it is a little brown around the edges. But the prime fall planting season [is] here!

Get Your Hands Dirty!

Sierra Madre Weekly. October 18, 2015: After months of landscape demolition, grading and irrigation work, the Community Planting Day is finally here! The Sierra Madre Garden Club and City of Sierra Madre are seeking eager volunteers to help replenish the landscape outside City Hall with beautiful drought-resistant plants. The event is part of a joint community project aimed at saving water and demonstrating the beauty and economic benefits of native plant gardens!

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Outdoor Kitchens Put Guests CenterStage July 29, 2015. By Lori Johnston: These kitchens with bars place guests in the middle of the action and showcase sensational style from coast to coast.