Three Kid Friendly Lawn Alternatives

Los Angeles Times. January 23, 2013. Cassy Aoyagi Answers: Do you have any suggestions for drought-tolerant, kid-friendly ground cover? We’ve read that dymondia works well to fill in space between pavers but haven’t found any talk of how well this plant works as a grass substitute, spread across a yard.

Can our kids walk barefoot? Will the dymondia attract bees? And will it flourish in an area that gets sun and shade?

Inside Top Showcase Homes

Home Colors Magazine. January 1, 2013. The spice and teal color palate of the 2012 Pasadena Showcase House of Design informed the design of both interior and exterior spaces of the Spanish style home, most especially in the Andalusian Courtyard. Click the photo to purchase the issue.

In Her Own Way

In Her Own Way. Copyright 2013. By Lee Anne White: Profiles of women who have followed their callings to create an authentic life, including FormLA Landscaping President Cassy Aoyagi. Click the photo to get the book.