Dog Friendly Garden Design

HGTV Garden. By Holly Aguirre: More and more landscape architects are hopping on the pet-scaping bandwagon, proving that a space for pets doesn’t have to look like a prison.

Future of Design 2015: More Sustainability, Adaptability

Los Angeles Times Home. January 30, 2015: Despite advances in building and technology, many architects and designers say they are frequently asked to preserve existing floorplans while adapting interiors for modern living. Additionally, they are designing smaller kitchens, smaller footprints, even small lot developments.

Looking forward, designers anticipate more sustainability, increased transitional spaces and adaptability. Here, designers offer their take on the year ahead.

Garden Safety Tips for Dogs

HGTV. By Holly Aguirre: The temptation with owning a dog is to just open up the back door and let Fido run free.

Not so fast. The garden is full of temptations and potential dangers if you aren’t careful. By meticulously planning your garden and in some cases, calling in a pro, you and your best friend can enjoy the pleasures of your garden with no worries.